Depending on your subscription level, you will have up to four types of interactions available for you to manage for your contacts:
- Communication
- Attendance
- Giving
- Volunteering
You can click the links above for more information on managing Communication/Attendance Interactions or Volunteering Interactions.
Manage a single Giving interaction
To add a giving interaction record for a contact:
- Log into your organization's VolunteerMatters Administrative Site
- Click on Admin > Database (note you must have the appropriate permissions to perform this action)
- Locate the Contact you wish to manage and click on 'View Record Detail' Icon on the right.
- Click on the 'Giving' tab for those interactions.
- Click ‘New‘ and enter the appropriate data for the available fields.
- Date - you may either manually enter a date in mm/dd/yyyy format or use the ‘Date Chooser’ to select a date from a graphical calendar.
- Amount - you may the amount or value of the giving interaction.
- Giving Type - please select the pre-configured sub-types of this interaction. Click here for more information on managing these.
- Subject - you may enter text to describe the interaction.
- Campaign - please select the pre-configured campaigns of the interaction. Click here for more information on managing these.
- Recognition - enter any relevant recognition information for this giving interaction
- Notes - enter any relevant additional text.
To delete or update an existing entry, click the ‘Edit’ icon to the right of its listing.
NOTE: There is a list view filter on those interactions at the top of the interaction tab. This is populated with administrative list views created at your Giving Interactions list page. You can manage and create list views here to produce any number of filtered displays of giving interactions.
Add in Bulk
You may also add interaction records in bulk either by using the Bulk Add Interaction Utility (Admin > Bulk Add under the Interaction section) or by using the Import Utility.
When using the Bulk Add Interaction utility you will just need to select the interaction type from the drop down and the system will automatically display the correct fields.
For more information on importing, please refer to the "Importing" forum.