
Edit shifts for a volunteer calendar.

You may edit volunteer shifts individually or in bulk. To do this, log into the system, click on the Admin config_24.png icon and in the "Volunteering" section, click on the calendar calendar_ok_32.png you wish to edit. 

To edit existing shifts (for most attributes) in VolunteerMatters it can be done manually for each shift or in bulk.  The attributes available to modify in bulk depend on whether the shift has assignments with it or not.

  • In bulk without assignments you can modify: Name, Description, Start Time, End Time, Status, Max Slots, as well as any configured filters.
  • In bulk with assignments you can modify:  Description, Status, Max Slots, as well as any configured filters. (To modify the Shift Date or Time after someone has signed up you will need edit shifts individually.)

Edit an Individual Shift

To edit an individual shift, simply click the 'Edit' edit_16.png button to the right of its listing.
You may edit all of the shift details (Name, Description, Volunteering Type, Shift Date, Start Time, End Time, Max Slots, and Shift Status Fields). If the shift had been previously assigned to a contact you  you will see a new warning window and a new check-box with the label "Email Assignees about Shift Changes". When you make these changes you are able to check that new box and when you save you will be brought to the email assignments page where you can let people know the changes. If you do not check the box it will behave as normal when you click save. Once your edits have been made, click 'Apply' or 'Done' to save your changes. For more information on how to fill-out or edit the shift fields, please see the "Add shifts to a volunteer calendar." article.

Edit Shifts in Bulk

To edit shifts in bulk, while viewing the list of shifts for your calendar, you may then place a check in one or more of the boxes to the left of the shift's listing for which you wish to update. Then click the 'Edit' clock_edit_24.png icon located either on the top or bottom of the list of shifts.
From here, check the box on the left of the shift attribute you would like to update for all of the shifts you are editing. Then make your changes to the shift attribute and click 'Save'. Only the attributes which have the box to the left of the field checked will be updated for all of the shifts selected. All other attributes will remain untouched, as they originally were before editing, for each shift.
In bulk without assignments you can modify: Name, Description, Start Time, End Time, Status, Max Slots, Volunteering Type, as well as any configured filters.

In bulk with assignments you can modify:  Description, Status, Max Slots, Volunteering Type, as well as any configured filters. (To modify the Shift Name, Shift Date or Start/End Times after someone has signed up you will need edit shifts individually.)
If you select one or more shifts with assignments, you will be limited to those attributes available to shifts with assignments (Description, Status, Max Slots, Volunteering Type, as well as any configured filters.)
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