
Manage requirements.

Some volunteer organizations and most membership organizations have requirements for membership even if they are as simple as just paying their annual dues. Some organizations have more complex requirements that may include volunteer hours, product sales, serving on a committee, attending meetings, attending training sessions, or passing certification exams. 

To create a new requirement: 

  1. Log into VolunteerMatters administrative team and navigate to Setup > Define Reqs 
  2. Click ‘New’.
  3. Enter the due date (the date by which a contact must completely fulfill the requirement). If certain contacts have the same requirement but different due dates, you must create multiple requirement records. 
  4. Enter the name of the requirement. Make this name as descriptive as possible as most contact-facing views of requirements do not include the description. 
  5. Enter the requirement description 
  6. Enter the effective start date and end date. Each requirement must apply to a specific time period (calendar year, fiscal year, etc). This means that even if your requirements do not change from one year to the next, you must still create a new requirement in the system to reflect the change of year. 
  7. Enter the minimum points required to consider this requirement fulfilled. Points are a generic unit of measure that can accommodate a monetary amount, time, quantity, etc. For example, the following matrix describes varying types of requirements and what their resulting point values would be: 

    Name Actual Value Point Value
    Pay membership dues $125.00 125.00
    Volunteer 10 hours 10 Hours 10.00
    Attend 4 general meetings 4 meetings 4.00
    Sell 3 fundraising products 3 Product Sales 3.00
    Actively participate on a committee True/False 1.00
    You can see how points can accommodate partial or complete fulfillments. For example, if a member paid for half of their membership dues, a fulfillment of 62.50 points would be applied to this total (62.50 out of 125.00 completed). If a contact attended 1 general meeting, the fulfillment would have a value of 1.00 point (1.00 out of 3.00 completed). This approach can also accommodate more subjective requirements like the last example to “actively participate on a committee”. An organizational leader may evaluate a person’s level of participation and decide if it is deserving of a 1.00 fulfillment or not. 
  8. Click ‘Add’ 

To edit a requirement**: 

  1. Navigate to Setup > Define Reqs.
  2. Select the edit icon doc_edit_16.png and scroll down to the bottom of the page.
  3. Make the necessary changes then press Update.
To delete a requirement**:
  1. Navigate to Setup > Define Reqs.
  2. Select the delete icon editdelete.png on the requirement you wish to remove.

**Within the Requirements Setup area, only those Requirements in their "Active" period on your initial visit to the page.  You can then click the "Show Expired" link  to show all Requirements.   You can then in turn click the "Hide Expired" link to return to the default setting.



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