
Add a fulfillment record from the requirements dashboard.

  1. Log into your organization's VolunteerMatters Administrative Site 
  2. Click on Admin > Reqs Dash
  3. You will be presented with a screen that displays all active requirements ordered by due date with an active period in which today's date falls. 


    Each requirement listing includes the requirement's name, due date, active period, and point values. Additionally, the system displays the count of contacts to which this requirement has been assigned, the count of members that have completely fulfilled the requirements and the count of contacts that have yet to completely fulfill this requirement. If you click on the membership counts (assigned, fulfilled, or unfulfilled) it will bring you to a new page that lists all of the members who have been assigned, fulfilled, or have yet to full that particular requirement. 

    At the end of each row is an icon (check-16.png) that will bring you to the update utility for recording fulfillments for one or more contacts. 
  4. After clicking the icon, you will be presented with the ability to apply one fulfillment record to one or more individuals. 

    For example, you may apply the following fulfillment to an unlimited number of contacts:

    Fulfillment type: Attendance
    Date: 08/15/2012
    Points: 1.00
    Notes: Member attended a seminar on non-profit leadership
    1. Use the member chooser to select which contact(s) should have this fulfillment added to their record. To learn more about using the member chooser please reference the "Working with the contact chooser." article.
    2. Select a Fulfillment Type (General, Attendance, Volunteer Shift, Dues, Purchase, Donation, Buy-Out, Fine Payment, Excused).
    3. Enter the date this fulfillment was made.
    4. Enter the point value of the fulfillment. Points are a generic unit of measure that can accommodate a monetary  amount, time, quantity, etc. For example, the following matrix describes varying types of requirements and what their resulting point values would be:

      Name Actual Value Point Value
      Pay membership dues $125.00 125.00
      Volunteer 10 hours 10 Hours 10.00
      Attend 4 general meetings 4 meetings 4.00
      Sell 3 fundraising products 3 Product Sales 3.00
      Actively participate on a committee True/False 1.00
      You can see how points can accommodate partial or complete fulfillments. For example, if a contact paid for half of their membership dues, a fulfillment of 62.50 points would be applied to this total (62.50 out of 125.00 completed). If a contact attended 1 general meeting, the fulfillment would have a value of 1.00 point (1.00 out of 3.00 completed). This system can also accommodate more subjective requirements like the last example to “actively participate on a committee”. An organizational leader may evaluate a person’s level of participation and decide if it is deserving of a 1.00 fulfillment or not.

      • If the total fulfillment points are greater or equal to the Minimum Requirement Points, the system will consider the requirement fulfilled. 

      • If the total fulfillment points are less than the minimum requirement points (as defined when creating the requirement), the system will consider the requirement unfulfilled. 
  5. Enter any notes relating to the fulfillment. All fulfillment information, including notes, will be viewable by the member on the ‘My Profile’ section of your website. 
  6. When you are ready to apply this single fulfillment to the selected member record(s), click "Add Fulfillments".



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    Anne Kohnke

    Do you have to assign the requirement to the contact before the added fulfillment shows on the 'my profile' requirements page? 

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