
Self registration (aka volunteer application) workflow

reg_process.pngAfter a registrant clicks ‘Submit’ on the registration form, two things happen simultaneously. First the registrant is brought to a screen that confirms the submission of the form. Second, the registrant is sent an email where they must click on a link contained in the body of the email to officially activate their account with the system (This verifies that the email address provided is legitimate). Once they click on the activation link in the email confirmation, they are returned to the site where they can login with the username and password they chose when filling out the registration form.


Customization Opportunities:
Pro and Enterprise customers may further customize the registration process utilizing our professional services team (setup cost):

1. Customize all automated messages the registrant will see/be sent from your organization throughout the process

2. Deactivate email authentication as part of the registration process

3. Add javascript to the form to create field dependencies, hide fields, auto-populate fields, and more.


Default Registration Page Welcome Message Copy:
“Welcome! Please fill out all required information below (Designated with a red asterisk *) and please fill in as much of the optional information as possible so we can get to know you better.  Once you have submitted the form you will receive an email confirmation providing you with the final step to access our volunteer system. Thanks again!”


Default Registration Form Submit Confirmation Page Copy:
“Form Successfully Submitted. An email has been sent to ${contactEmail}. The email will contain an activation link to complete the registration process. You must click this link to complete your registration. If for any reason the link does not work, you may manually enter the activation code below (also provided in the same email). If you do not receive an email within the next few minutes, please check your spam folder. The email will be from ${fromEmail}. “

Default Activation Email Copy:

Dear ${firstName},

Thank you for filling out registration form. There is one step remaining to complete the process.  Please click on the following link to officially activate your account with us:


Once you have clicked the above button/link you will be returned to the site where you can login to the system with the following:

${firstName} ${lastName}'s Login Credentials:

Username: ${username}
Password: ${password}

(Please NOTE: Passwords are case-sensitive. The following passwords are all different: "SecretWord", "secretword", "SECRETWORD")

If you are prompted for an activation code, you may enter Activation Code: ${activationCode}.

Thank You!



Default Activation Confirmation Page Copy:

“Fantastic! Your registration and activation is complete. You may now log in to the volunteer system with your username and password below.”

Note – by default this page includes a prompt for their username and password

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