
VolunteerMatters Components Administrative Roles

Administrative accounts for the VolunteerMatters Components are defined within your VolunteerMatters contact database ({customercode}) in a built-in custom field called “Website Roles”.  There are up to ten different types of administrative roles you can assign to contacts in the VolunteerMatters database.  The availability of these different roles depends on your subscription level with VolunteerMatters Components.

1.      Site Blog Manager – Can administer to Member Area landing page or any page that has a Blog or Blog Aggregator portlet configured.
2.      Site Calendar Manager – Can administer to any page that has the calendar portlet configured.  This includes creating/editing/deleting events as well as event permissions.
3.      Site Content Manager - Can edit any page with a web content display portlet. These are the homepage, subpages, etc.
4.      Site Document Manager - Has fill control in any Documents and Media portlet. An example is if you have a “site file manager" page in the Member Area for admins. Though a Documents and Media portlet can be added to any page.
5.      Site Message Board Manager - Can administer to any page that has a message board portlet configured.  This includes creating/editing/deleting categories, threads, posts, etc. as well as thread/category permissions.
6.      Site Poll Manager – After a “Polls Display” portlet is added to any page, this role can administer that portlet.  This includes creating/editing/deleting questions, as well as question permissions.
Site Shopping Manager - Can administer to the Shopping portlet.  This includes creating/editing/deleting product categories, items, coupons, etc. as well as category/item permissions and managing orders.
8.      Site Training Manager - Can administer the Training portlet, an optional add on to the VolunteerMatters Component. This includes creating/editing/deleting courses, questions, answers, etc.
9.      Site Wiki Manager - Can administer to any page that has a Wiki portlet configured.  This includes creating/editing/deleting pages, child pages, etc. as well as permissions.

10.   Site Page Manager – By default, this role is not activated for customers.  It is only added upon request so Closerware can inform customer about the potential issues if used incorrectly.  When activated, it is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED that this role only be given to a select few administrators. With this role, among other things, an administrator can permanently alter the site’s page hierarchy, design, and layouts. If our customers would like our professional services team to make any changes/corrections to their system as a result of mis-use of the site page manager role, hourly charges may apply. If you have any questions or would like assistance with adding/deleting/moving any items/pages please do not hesitate to contact support and we can provide hourly professional services to add, move, and delete pages.   There is a separate user guide specific to the functions available to ‘Site Page Managers’, please contact support to receive.   Please note that if you delete a page within the hierarchy it will delete all pages underneath it.

For more information on adding these roles to a contact's record please click here.

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