
Free Javascript Slideshows for VolunteerMatters Components Website Customers

As a service to our VolunteerMatters Components Website customers, Closerware provides free professional services to convert a set of static images to a Javascript slideshow for use on the customer's homepage.

For free:

The customer provides one or more web-safe images (jpg, gif, png) images to rotate in a slideshow fashion (fading from one image to the next).  Images provided by the customer should be appropriate size for the homepage style (typically 900pixels wide or more is safe) and all pictures should be similarly oriented (vertical versus horizontal).  Closerware will only modify images by resizing or cropping to properly fit the space. 

Additional hourly charges:

If the source images are to be modified in any way other than resizing or cropping, additional charges will apply.  If the behavior of the javascript motion should be anything other than images fading from one to the next in a loop, additional charges will apply.

Please note: Because this service is outside of your subscription a timeline for completion can not be provided or guaranteed.

Another option would be for us to give your organization access to do the work yourself or by another vendor.

Please keep in mind, that if your organization selects this option, then you will be assuming all responsibility for the work performed and any resulting issues (if any). And any updates to the system required by Closerware Support due that option would required hourly charges.

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