
Managing Orders

As an administrator with the Site Shopping Manager website role, you can review and manage existing orders via the “Orders” heading on the shopping portlet page within your VolunteerMatters components Website:


There you can “Edit” or “Delete” existing orders as well as produce a CSV export of your orders.

The “Orders” heading is available to all members but will only show their own previous orders if they do not have the “Site Shopping Manager” role set for them.


To edit an existing order you will log into VolunteerMatters Components with the appropriate administrative access and navigate to your shopping page.   There you click on the “Orders” heading and then you will locate the order you wish to edit and click the “Actions” button (The Hendrick Foundation-DocumentsandMedia_Buttons_Small_Actions.png) and select “Edit”:


Here you can review the Order information as well as manually initiate “Confirmation” and “Shipping” emails, print an invoice with your logo, delete an order, or click on a link to complete an order that is not finished checking out.




To delete an existing order you will log into VolunteerMatters Components with the appropriate administrative access and navigate to your shopping page.   There you click on the “Orders” heading and then you will locate the order you wish to delete and click the “Actions” button (The Hendrick Foundation-DocumentsandMedia_Buttons_Small_Actions.png) and select “Delete”:


You can also delete orders in bulk by checking them off and clicking the “Delete” button (delete.png).


CSV Export:

As an administrator with the “Site Shopping Manager” role, when you are managing orders you will have a few  “Export” buttons available to you to produce a CSV spreadsheet of your existing orders that are currently in your order list.

This export will only include those orders “Checked”.  So you include or exclude orders as you see fit and return only exactly what you want in the spreadsheet.    There are also search options to narrow down or filter your orders by order number, customer name, customer email, item name, order date range, and/or order status.



Once you have filtered your order list as desired and checked the orders you wish to export you can then select the export type (orders or order items) estore_order_export_button.png, and click "Export Selected" (estore_order_exportselected_button.png).

If you select "Orders" each order will be one row in the spreadsheet with each order's contents appearing in a single "Items" cell.

If you select "Order Items", each order item will be available in its own row in a single flat item list.  So an order containing multiple items will appear across multiple rows in the spreadsheet.  These items will be grouped together in the spreadsheet.

PLEASE NOTE:  Once you click the export button and produce a spreadsheet, it will remain ‘greyed-out’ until the page is refreshed.

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