
AJLI Single-Sign-On Integration

VolunteerMatters has worked with AJLI to enable single-sign-on (SSO) with your VolunteerMatters account to log you into the AJLI Website Member Area.

The integration requires that the MembershipID/ContactID used in VolunteerMatters be the member's or office support person's AJLI ID number.

Once you have obtained your AJLI ID number from AJLI (see contact information below), anyone with administrative rights to manage your VolunteerMatters contact database can edit the appropriate contact record to update the MembershipID/ContactID. This does not have to be done by Closerware Support and should be done by your organization's administrative team. 

Here is a link to a support article that provides instructions on changing a Contact ID/Membership ID:

AJLI Help Desk
1-800-955-3248 FREE (US/CAN)
001-8559013502 FREE (Mexico)
08-082346762 (UK)

If you require further assistance please create a support ticket.

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